The fourth largest carmaker in Korea, the Renault-Samsung Motors announced that its first quarter car exports rose to a new record.

The automaker revealed it has exported more than 22.400 new vehicles during the first quarter of the year, beating previous record set in September 2000.

Export figures have increased 171 percent compared to last year and the outlook for the next three months is good as well announced the company.

According to the statement, some cars have been sold overseas under the Renault and Nissan nameplates and that has helped the automaker quite a lot. Since Renault-Samsung began exporting vehicles in significant volumes back in 2006 with the compact car SM3, its exports have increased steadily. Exports now account for 48 percent of overall new car sales.

The fact that the sales of Renault-Samsung cars are increasing shows that the automaker has built an attractive vehicle line-up and also that the company has gained the confidence among consumers overseas.

Renault-Samsung is the fourth largest automaker in South Korea after Hyundai Motor Company, Kia Motors and GM Daewoo.


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